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Connection Messages Module


The Connection Messages module handles changing the messages sent to clients when players join and leave the server.

Like the Chat module, Connection Messages work best when coupled with a permission plugin that supports options.


In the main.conf file, connection-messages section, the following options are available:

  • modify-login-message: if true, the standard login message sent to server chat will be replaced with the contents of login-message
  • modify-logout-message: if true, the standard logout/disconnect message sent to server chat will be replaced with the contents of logout-message
  • show-first-login-message: if true, an extra message will be sent to chat when a player joins the server for the first time. This message is defined in first-login-message.
  • disable-with-permission: if true, players with the nucleus.connectionmessages.disable will not trigger a join or quit message.

The messages support the tokens available to the Chat module.

  • {{name}}: The player’s name
  • {{displayname}}: The player’s set display name. Usually, this is the users nickname if they have one, or their in-game name otherwise.
  • {{prefix}}: The player’s prefix tag, if one is set in the permission plugin.
  • {{suffix}}: The player’s suffix tag, if one is set in the permission plugin.

The messages also support Minecraft colour codes, replacing § with &.

If you wish to hide connection messages, turn the relevant “modify” option to true, and set the message to a blank string.

The following are incompatibilities that may occur with this module, along with how to resolve the problem. For the full mod/plugin incompatibility list, see the compatibility page.

No plugin incompatibilities have been reported.

There are no commands for this module.

Permission Suggested Role Description
nucleus.connectionmessages.disable NONE If set in config, players with this permission will not trigger a connection message.
The following configuration is the default for this module:
                            # The message to display to players if a name change has been detected. 'Use {{previousname}} as the token for the player's previous name.'
changed-name-message="&f{{name}} &ewas previously known by a different name - they were known as &f{{previousname}}"
# If true, those with the "nucleus.connectionmessages.disable" permission will not trigger login/logout messages.
# If true, will inform players on the server when a player logs on and a name change has been detected.
# This message uses all the standard Minecraft colour codes, prefixed by "&". Use '"{{name}}"' for the new player's name.
first-login-message="&dWelcome &f{{name}} &dto the server!"
# If "true", Nucleus will try to make sure that everyone sees connection messages. Note that plugins can potentially override this.
# Shown when a user logs in. This message uses all the standard Minecraft colour codes, prefixed by "&". Use '"{{name}}"' for the player's name.
login-message="&8[&a+&8] &f{{name}}"
# Shown when a user logs out. This message uses all the standard Minecraft colour codes, prefixed by "&". Use '"{{name}}"' for the player's name.
logout-message="&8[&c-&8] &f{{name}}"
# Enables changing the login message.
# Enables changing the logout message.
# Enables the first time login message.


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