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Experience Module


The Experience module enables the manipulation of player experience.

Giving, setting and taking experience

The experience module has the /exp command, with the following subcommands:

  • /exp give: give an amount of experience or levels.
  • /exp take: removes an amount of experience or levels.
  • /exp set: set~~~~s a player’s experience.

These commands can give a specific amount of experience by providing a number, or an integer number of levels by prefxing of suffixing the number with “L” (i.e. L100 or 100L) for 100 levels.

Preserving experience across player deaths

The permission nucleus.exp.keepondeath will enable players to keep their experience level when they die and respawn.

  • If the permission is true, XP will be kept across deaths.
  • If the permission is explicitly false, XP will be reset to zero upon respawn.
  • If the permission is unset, Nucleus will not do anything and the current behaviour will hold.

The following are incompatibilities that may occur with this module, along with how to resolve the problem. For the full mod/plugin incompatibility list, see the compatibility page.

No plugin incompatibilities have been reported.

Module: experience
Displays the specified player's current experience.

Aliases: /exp, /experience, /xp

Usage: /exp [<player>]

Default Role: ADMIN

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.exp.base


  • nucleus.exp.base - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to run the command /exp

This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials: /exp, /xp

/exp give
Module: experience
Gives experience to the specified player.

If you want to add raw experience, just add the number as an argument. If you want to add a specific number of levels, the argument can be of the form "L30" or "30L" (assuming you want to give 30 levels).

Aliases: /exp give

Usage: /exp give [<player>] <level>|<experience>

Default Role: ADMIN

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.exp.give.base


  • nucleus.exp.give.base - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to run the command /exp give
/exp set
Module: experience
Sets the specified player's experience.

If you want to set experience points, just add the number as an argument. If you want to set a specific number of levels, the argument can be of the form "L30" or "30L" (assuming you want to set at 30 levels).

Aliases: /exp set

Usage: /exp set [<player>] <level>|<experience>

Default Role: ADMIN

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.exp.set.base


  • nucleus.exp.set.base - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to run the command /exp set
/exp take
Module: experience
Removes experience from the specified player.

If you want to remove raw experience, just add the number as an argument. If you want to remove a specific number of levels, the argument can be of the form "L30" or "30L" (assuming you want to take 30 levels).

Trying to take more experience than the player has will just zero their experience.

Aliases: /exp take

Usage: /exp take [<player>] <level>|<experience>

Default Role: ADMIN

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.exp.take.base


  • nucleus.exp.take.base - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to run the command /exp take
Permission Suggested Role Description
nucleus.exp.base ADMIN Allows the user to run the command /exp
nucleus.exp.give.base ADMIN Allows the user to run the command /exp give
nucleus.exp.keepondeath NONE Keep experience when a player dies and respawns.
nucleus.exp.set.base ADMIN Allows the user to run the command /exp set
nucleus.exp.take.base ADMIN Allows the user to run the command /exp take
There is no configuration for this module.

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