The Miscellaneous module contains as of yet uncategorised functions.
NOTE: In time, some functions may move into their own module, as Nucleus functionality is built up.
The following are incompatibilities that may occur with this module, along with how to resolve the problem. For the full mod/plugin incompatibility list, see the compatibility page.
No plugin incompatibilities have been reported.
Usage: /blockinfo [-e|--extended <e>] [<location>]
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.blockinfo.base
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.blockinfo.base
- Default Role: ADMIN
Usage: /entityinfo [-e|--extended <e>]
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.entityinfo.base
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.entityinfo.base
- Default Role: ADMIN
, /ext
Usage: /extinguish [<player>]
Default Role: MOD
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.extinguish.base
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.extinguish.others
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.extinguish.exempt.cost
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.extinguish.exempt.warmup
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.extinguish.base
- Default Role: MOD
, /eat
Usage: /feed [<player>]
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.feed.base
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.feed.exempt.cost
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.feed.exempt.warmup
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.feed.others
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.feed.base
- Default Role: ADMIN
This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials:
, /eat
Usage: /heal [<player>]
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.heal.base
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.heal.exempt.cooldown
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.heal.exempt.cost
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.heal.exempt.warmup
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.heal.base
- Default Role: ADMIN
This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials:
, /itemdb
Usage: /iteminfo [-e|--extended <e>] [<key>]
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.iteminfo.base
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.iteminfo.extended
- Default Role: ADMIN
This command is similar to the following command(s) found in Essentials:
, /itemno
, /durability
, /dura
Essentials Migration Notes: Nucleus tries to provide much more info!
Usage: /ping [<player>]
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission:
- Default Role: ADMIN
- Default Role: ADMIN
This command is similar to the following command(s) found in Essentials:
, /pong
, /echo
Essentials Migration Notes: Returns your latency, not your message.
This command displays information about the server, the JVM, and each world.
, /uptime
Usage: /serverstat [-c|-s|--compact|--summary <c>]
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.serverstat.base
- Default Role: ADMIN
This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials:
, /lag
, /mem
, /memory
, /uptime
, /tps
, /entities
, /realtime
Usage: /servertime
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.servertime.base
- Default Role: ADMIN
The default speeds are "1" for flying and "2" for walking.
* If the fly/walk specifier is not present, the current mode (whether the player is flying or walking) is used as the speed to modify.
* If the speed is omitted, information is displayed instead
* If "reset" is specified instead of the speed, the default is set for the specified mode.
Usage: /speed [<player>] [<fly|f|flying|w|walk>] [<speed>|reset]
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.speed.base
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.speed.exempt.cooldown
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.speed.exempt.max
- Default Role: OWNER nucleus.speed.base
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.speed.exempt.warmup
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.speed.exempt.cost
- Default Role: ADMIN
This command is similar to the following command(s) found in Essentials:
, /flyspeed
, /walkspeed
, /fspeed
, /wspeed
Essentials Migration Notes: This command either uses your current state or a specified argument to determine whether to alter fly or walk speed.
Usage: /suicide
Default Role: USER
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.suicide.base
- Default Role: USER
This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials:
Permission | Suggested Role | Description |
nucleus.blockinfo.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /blockinfo |
nucleus.blockinfo.extended | ADMIN | Displays properties and traits associated with the block. |
nucleus.entityinfo.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /entityinfo |
nucleus.entityinfo.extended | ADMIN | Displays data associated with the entity. |
nucleus.extinguish.base | MOD | Allows the user to run the command /extinguish |
nucleus.extinguish.exempt.cooldown | ADMIN | Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /extinguish |
nucleus.extinguish.exempt.cost | ADMIN | Allows the user to bypass the cost for /extinguish |
nucleus.extinguish.exempt.warmup | ADMIN | Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /extinguish |
nucleus.extinguish.others | ADMIN | Allows the user to target other players using the command "extinguish". |
nucleus.feed.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /feed |
nucleus.feed.exempt.cooldown | ADMIN | Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /feed |
nucleus.feed.exempt.cost | ADMIN | Allows the user to bypass the cost for /feed |
nucleus.feed.exempt.warmup | ADMIN | Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /feed |
nucleus.feed.others | ADMIN | Allows the user to target other players using the command "feed". |
nucleus.heal.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /heal |
nucleus.heal.exempt.cooldown | ADMIN | Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /heal |
nucleus.heal.exempt.cost | ADMIN | Allows the user to bypass the cost for /heal |
nucleus.heal.exempt.warmup | ADMIN | Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /heal |
nucleus.heal.others | ADMIN | Allows the user to target other players using the command "heal". |
nucleus.iteminfo.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /iteminfo |
nucleus.iteminfo.extended | ADMIN | Displays data associated with the item. | | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /ping | | ADMIN | Allows the user to target other players using the command "ping". |
nucleus.serverstat.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /serverstat |
nucleus.servertime.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /servertime |
nucleus.speed.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /speed |
nucleus.speed.exempt.cooldown | ADMIN | Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /speed |
nucleus.speed.exempt.cost | ADMIN | Allows the user to bypass the cost for /speed |
nucleus.speed.exempt.max | OWNER | Allows the user to specified a speed greater than the max speed set in the config file. |
nucleus.speed.exempt.warmup | ADMIN | Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /speed |
nucleus.speed.others | ADMIN | Allows the user to target other players using the command "speed". |
nucleus.suicide.base | USER | Allows the user to run the command /suicide |
# Sets the maximum speed that a player can set via the /speed command. max-speed=5