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Spawn Module


The Spawn module controls the player spawn logic on your server.

Setting the spawn point

To set a spawn point on your server, that is, the point where all players will start when entering a world for the first time or respawning after death, use the command /setspawn as a player at the point where you want players to spawn. Nucleus will set the position at your feet and Minecraft will use that point as a future spawn point. Nucleus will also store your player’s rotation and attempt to set the rotation of any player who spawns.

Spawn points are per world, and can be warped to using the /spawn [world] command - if the world is omitted, you will warp to the spawn point of the current world.

First Spawn

Nucleus provides the concept of a “first spawn” point. This allows server owners to have a specific, separate, spawn point for new players. This can be set using the /setfirstspawn command, and warped to using /firstspawn.

It is strongly advised that if you use the first spawn mechanic that you also set the gamemode spawnRadius to 0, that is, run the command /gamerule spawnRadius 0.

Customising player spawning

By default, Nucleus follows Minecraft/Sponge defaults where possible when it comes to spawning, specifically, that respawn after death will happen on the same world, and logging out of a server and subsequently logging in again will keep you in the same place as you were in before.

Nucleus does provide options to change that, however. If you wish for players to return to the spawn point of the world they logged out on when logging in, set spawn-on-login to true. This can then be overriden for selected worlds using the spawn-on-login-exempt-worlds list.

For those who want /spawn to refer to a single spawn point on a specific world, rather than one per world, Nucleus offers the concept of a global-spawn. By specifying a world in, any of the actions in global-spawn set to true will warp people to the spawn point specified as the target world, rather than the current world.

Bed spawning

By default, Nucleus overrides respawning such that sleeping in a bed does not change a player’s respawn location. If you wish to let players sleep in beds to set their own spawn position, set spawn.affect-bed-spawn to false in main.conf and reload the config. Nucleus will then ignore any event that respawns the player next to their bed.

/spawn per world permissions

The config options per-world-permissions is ordinarily set to false, but if true, this allows fine grain control over the worlds that a specific player can spawn to using the /spawn command.

The following are incompatibilities that may occur with this module, along with how to resolve the problem. For the full mod/plugin incompatibility list, see the compatibility page.

No plugin incompatibilities have been reported.

Module: spawn
If set, warp to the new player spawn point.

Aliases: /firstspawn

Usage: /firstspawn

Default Role: USER

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.firstspawn.base


  • nucleus.firstspawn.exempt.cost - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cost for /firstspawn
  • nucleus.firstspawn.exempt.cooldown - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /firstspawn
  • nucleus.firstspawn.exempt.warmup - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /firstspawn
  • nucleus.firstspawn.base - Default Role: USER
    Allows the user to run the command /firstspawn
Module: spawn
Sets the new player spawn point.

Aliases: /setfirstspawn

Usage: /setfirstspawn

Default Role: ADMIN

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.firstspawn.set.base


  • nucleus.firstspawn.set.base - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to run the command /setfirstspawn
/setfirstspawn del
Module: spawn
Removes the new player spawn point.

Aliases: /setfirstspawn del, /setfirstspawn rm

Usage: /setfirstspawn del

Default Role: ADMIN

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.firstspawn.remove.base


  • nucleus.firstspawn.remove.base - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to run the command /setfirstspawn del
Module: spawn
Sets the current world spawn point.

Aliases: /setspawn

Usage: /setspawn

Default Role: ADMIN

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.setspawn.base


  • nucleus.setspawn.base - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to run the command /setspawn

This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials: /setspawn

Module: spawn
Warp to a world spawn point.

If the global spawn world is set in the configuration, then calling /spawn without a world argument will send the calling player to the global spawn point, otherwise, the player will warp to the current world spawn point.

Aliases: /spawn

Usage: /spawn [-f|--force <f>] [<world>]

Default Role: USER

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.spawn.base


  • nucleus.spawn.otherworlds - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to go to another world's spawnpoint.
  • nucleus.spawn.exempt.cost - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cost for /spawn
  • nucleus.spawn.force - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to attempt to force teleportation to spawn.
  • nucleus.spawn.base - Default Role: USER
    Allows the user to run the command /spawn
  • nucleus.spawn.exempt.cooldown - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /spawn
  • nucleus.spawn.exempt.warmup - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /spawn

This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials: /spawn

/spawn other
Module: spawn
Warp another player to a world spawn point.

This works in a similar way to the /spawn command, though the command may be used against offline players if the calling entity has permission. If the player is offline, the system will warp them prior to joining the world on next login.

Aliases: /spawn other

Usage: /spawn other <user> [<world>]

Default Role: ADMIN

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.spawn.other.base


  • nucleus.spawn.other.offline - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to send a player to spawn on their next login.
  • nucleus.spawn.other.base - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to run the command /spawn other
Permission Suggested Role Description
nucleus.firstspawn.base USER Allows the user to run the command /firstspawn
nucleus.firstspawn.exempt.cooldown ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /firstspawn
nucleus.firstspawn.exempt.cost ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cost for /firstspawn
nucleus.firstspawn.exempt.warmup ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /firstspawn
nucleus.firstspawn.remove.base ADMIN Allows the user to run the command /setfirstspawn del
nucleus.firstspawn.set.base ADMIN Allows the user to run the command /setfirstspawn
nucleus.setspawn.base ADMIN Allows the user to run the command /setspawn
nucleus.spawn.base USER Allows the user to run the command /spawn
nucleus.spawn.exempt.cooldown ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /spawn
nucleus.spawn.exempt.cost ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cost for /spawn
nucleus.spawn.exempt.login ADMIN If granted, and the configuration is set to send players to spawn on login, this permission will prevent the player from going to spawn on login.
nucleus.spawn.exempt.warmup ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /spawn
nucleus.spawn.force ADMIN Allows the user to attempt to force teleportation to spawn.
nucleus.spawn.other.base ADMIN Allows the user to run the command /spawn other
nucleus.spawn.other.offline ADMIN Allows the user to send a player to spawn on their next login.
nucleus.spawn.otherworlds ADMIN Allows the user to go to another world's spawnpoint.
The following configuration is the default for this module:
                            # If true, if a respawn would be back to a bed, Nucleus will override that, if false, Nucleus will ignore bed spawns.
# If true, then Nucleus will attempt to force players joining for the first time to spawn at the *direct point* that first spawn has been set.
# Only set this if you want Nucleus to override all other plugins on first spawn.
# This section controls whether respawning and /spawn work on a per world or global server basis
global-spawn {
    # If "spawn-on-login" is on and this is true, sends the player to the world specified in "target-spawn-world" when they log in.
    # If true, respawning (like from death) sends the player to the world specified in "target-spawn-world", if false, sends them to the world spawn.
    # If true, running /spawn sends the player to the world specified in "target-spawn-world", if false, sends them to the world spawn.
    # The name of the world to use as the server spawn. If this is invalid, the default world is used instead.
# If true, players require the permission "nucleus.spawn.worlds.<worldname>" to spawn in a specific world, where worldname is the name of the world in lowercase.
# If true, players will be sent to the default world spawn on login, unless they are sent to the first login spawn, or they have the "nucleus.spawn.exempt.login" permission.
# If "spawn-on-login" is true, if a player logs in and is on any of the worlds listed here, they will NOT be redirected to the spawn point.
# This supports both world names and world UUIDs.
# If true, using /spawn will attempt to find a safe place. If false, the teleportation will always directly send the player to the location with no safety checks.


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