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Teleport Module

Some mods or plugins may conflict with this module

The highest rating mod/plugin compatibility issue is rated major. See the compatibility tab for more information.


The Teleport module allows players to teleport to one another, with request based (/tpa, /tpahere) and standard (/tp, /tphere) teleportation methods. /tptoggle can be used by players to block most teleportations. A method to teleport players to specific points on the world is also available - /tppos.

Setting Warmups and Cooldowns

This can be achieved using the commands.conf file for the commands tpa, tpahere and teleport. The options are warmup and cooldown, and are specified in seconds. Note that each command has a specific warmup/cooldown, so /tpa can have a 1 second warmup, while a standard /tp can have a 3 second warmup.

If the player moves, runs a command or is attacked during the warmup, the teleport is cancelled. The player is then free to try again, a cooldown is only applied when the teleport is successful.

For /tpa and /tpahere, the warmup starts when the teleport request is accepted and acts on the player being teleported, sending the request is instantaneous.

Teleport Requests

Nucleus allows players to request to teleport to a specific player, or vice versa, using the commands /tpa and /tpahere. If a player receives a request, they are given 30 seconds to respond to the request, either by clicking on the “Accept” or “Deny” links, or by using the commands /tpaccept or /tpdeny. If the request is accepted, any warmup runs,

Overriding the Minecraft /tp command

By default, Nucleus overrides the /tp command with its own implementation, but provides ways to easily get the vanilla behaviour:

  • Use minecraft:tp
  • Use /tpn, which is an alias for the original Minecraft /tp command.
  • In commands.conf, set to false. /tp will return to the Vanilla version, while /teleport will still be the Nucleus version.

Using /tppos to teleport to chunk co-ordinates

/tppos has a -c flag, which, if specified, will let you teleport to a specified chunk. Note that the y co-ordinate is still required - all -c really does is multiply your co-ordinates by 16, as per the Minecraft chunk spec.

The following are incompatibilities that may occur with this module, along with how to resolve the problem. For the full mod/plugin incompatibility list, see the compatibility page.

  • Critical issues are where some function of Nucleus is seriously affected in a way server owners are not expecting and have no known workaround, other than removing the plugin in question. It is advised that server owners remove the plugin in question and find an alternative if they wish to use the Nucleus feature it affects.
  • Major issues are where some function of Nucleus is seriously affected in a way server owners are not expecting by default but a workaround exists to mitigate or fix the issue.
  • Minor issues are where some function of Nucleus can be mildy affected, possibly in an unwanted way, but is not enabled by default or has little impact on day to day server running and management. A workaround exists to restore or use the affected Nucleus functionality.
  • Info issues are really non-issues. Incompatibilities with this label tend to be wanted (such as a world management plugin taking over the `/world` command), and are documented here for completeness, along with how to restore or use Nucleus functions.
Mod/Plugin: ProjectWorlds. Affected Module(s): teleport, back, home, warp, spawn.

Cross world teleports, such as those via warping or returning to spawn via command, might be canceled by ProjectWorlds with a no permissions message


Reason: ProjectWorlds has world access permissions that can block cross world teleports.

Resolution: Grant users the ProjectWorlds world access permission, which is "pjw.worlds.<worldname>".

Mod/Plugin: Topography. Affected Module(s): teleport, back, home, warp, spawn.

Topography may block cross-world teleports


Reason: Topography has the ability to take control of cross-world teleports in non-standard configurations. SkyFactory 4 has some worlds with this option enabled by default, which blocks the Nucleus teleport commands

Resolution: Check topography configuration files for any "captureTeleports" options and remove them.

Mod/Plugin: ProjectPortals. Affected Module(s): teleport, back, home, warp.

ProjectPortals takes over some teleport related commands in non-default scenarios


Reason: ProjectPortals may override some teleport related commands such as `/back`, `/warp` and `/home` if some of the ProjectPortals modules are enabled.

Resolution: Disable the module affecting the commands in PJP or prefix the command with "n", that is, "/back" -> "/nback".

Module: teleport
Teleports one player to another's location.

Aliases: /teleport, /tele, /$tp

Usage: /teleport [-q <q>] [-f <f>] <player to warp to>|<player to warp> <player to warp to>|<offline player to warp to>

Default Role: MOD

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.teleport.teleport.base


  • nucleus.teleport.teleport.offline - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to teleport to the location of players who are offline.
  • nucleus.teleport.teleport.exempt.cooldown - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /teleport
  • nucleus.teleport.teleport.exempt.warmup - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /teleport
  • nucleus.teleport.teleport.base - Default Role: MOD
    Allows the user to run the command /teleport
  • nucleus.teleport.tptoggle.exempt - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to teleport to anyone, regardless of whether they have turned on /tptoggle protection.
  • nucleus.teleport.teleport.others - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to target other players using the command "teleport".
  • nucleus.teleport.teleport.quiet - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to use the "-q" flag to override whether to tell the target player if a teleport is being performed.
  • nucleus.teleport.teleport.exempt.cost - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cost for /teleport

This command is similar to the following command(s) found in Essentials: /tp, /tele, /tp2p, /teleport, /tpo

Essentials Migration Notes: If you have permission, this will override '/tptoggle' automatically.

Module: teleport
Send a request to a player to ask for you to teleport to them.

Aliases: /tpa, /teleportask, /call, /tpask

Usage: /tpa [-f <f>] <player>

Default Role: USER

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.teleport.tpa.base


  • nucleus.teleport.tpa.exempt.cooldown - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /tpa
  • nucleus.teleport.tpa.exempt.cost - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cost for /tpa
  • nucleus.teleport.tpa.force - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to "force" teleport to a point, regardless of whether it is safe to do so.
  • nucleus.teleport.tpa.exempt.warmup - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /tpa
  • nucleus.teleport.tptoggle.exempt - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to teleport to anyone, regardless of whether they have turned on /tptoggle protection.
  • nucleus.teleport.tpa.base - Default Role: USER
    Allows the user to run the command /tpa

This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials: /tpa, /call, /tpask

Module: teleport
Request all players on the server to teleport to your location.

Aliases: /tpaall, /tpaskall

Usage: /tpaall [-f <f>]

Default Role: ADMIN

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.teleport.tpaall.base


  • nucleus.teleport.tpaall.base - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to run the command /tpaall

This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials: /tpaall

Module: teleport
Accept a pending teleport request.

Aliases: /tpaccept, /teleportaccept, /tpyes

Usage: /tpaccept

Default Role: USER

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.teleport.tpaccept.base


  • nucleus.teleport.tpaccept.base - Default Role: USER
    Allows the user to run the command /tpaccept

This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials: /tpaccept, /tpyes

Module: teleport
Send a request to a player to ask them to teleport to you.

Aliases: /tpahere, /tpaskhere, /teleportaskhere

Usage: /tpahere [-f <f>] <player>

Default Role: MOD

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.teleport.tpahere.base


  • nucleus.teleport.tpahere.exempt.warmup - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /tpahere
  • nucleus.teleport.tpahere.exempt.cooldown - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /tpahere
  • nucleus.teleport.tptoggle.exempt - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to teleport to anyone, regardless of whether they have turned on /tptoggle protection.
  • nucleus.teleport.tpahere.exempt.cost - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cost for /tpahere
  • nucleus.teleport.tpahere.force - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to "force" teleport to a point, regardless of whether it is safe to do so.
  • nucleus.teleport.tpahere.base - Default Role: MOD
    Allows the user to run the command /tpahere

This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials: /tpahere

Module: teleport
Forcefully teleport all players on the server to your location.

Aliases: /tpall, /tpallhere

Usage: /tpall [-f <f>]

Default Role: ADMIN

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.teleport.tpall.base


  • nucleus.teleport.tpall.base - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to run the command /tpall

This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials: /tpall

Module: teleport
Deny a pending teleport request.

Aliases: /tpdeny, /teleportdeny, /tpno

Usage: /tpdeny

Default Role: USER

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.teleport.tpdeny.base


  • nucleus.teleport.tpdeny.base - Default Role: USER
    Allows the user to run the command /tpdeny

This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials: /tpdeny, /tpno

Module: teleport
Teleports a player to your location.

Aliases: /tphere, /tph

Usage: /tphere [-q|--quiet <q>] <player>

Default Role: ADMIN

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.teleport.tphere.base


  • nucleus.teleport.tphere.base - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to run the command /tphere
  • nucleus.teleport.tptoggle.exempt - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to teleport to anyone, regardless of whether they have turned on /tptoggle protection.
  • nucleus.teleport.tphere.offline - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to teleport players who are offline to their current location on next login.

This command is similar to the following command(s) found in Essentials: /tphere, /s, /tpohere

Essentials Migration Notes: If you have permission, this will override '/tptoggle' automatically.

Module: teleport
Teleport to the specified location.

The tppos command supports three flags:

* -f/--force: forces the teleport to happen even if Nucleus thinks it won't be safe for you.
* -c/--chunk: indicates that the input co-ordinates are chunk co-ordiantes rather than world co-ordinates. Nucleus tries to put you in the centre of the chunk, and scans the whole chunk for a safe location.

Aliases: /tppos

Usage: /tppos [-f|--force <f>] [-b|--border <b>] [-c|--chunk <c>] [<player>] [<world>] <x y z>

Default Role: ADMIN

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.teleport.tppos.base


  • nucleus.teleport.tppos.exempt.bordercheck - Default Role: ADMIN
    If granted, allows the user to the use "-b" flag to attempt to warp outside of the border.
  • nucleus.teleport.tppos.base - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to run the command /tppos
  • nucleus.teleport.tppos.others - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to target other players using the command "tppos".

This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials: /tppos

Module: teleport
Toggle whether teleport requests are received.

Aliases: /tptoggle

Usage: /tptoggle [<true|false>]

Default Role: USER

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.teleport.tptoggle.base


  • nucleus.teleport.tptoggle.base - Default Role: USER
    Allows the user to run the command /tptoggle
  • nucleus.teleport.tptoggle.exempt - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to teleport to anyone, regardless of whether they have turned on /tptoggle protection.

This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials: /tptoggle

Permission Suggested Role Description
nucleus.teleport.teleport.base MOD Allows the user to run the command /teleport
nucleus.teleport.teleport.exempt.cooldown ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /teleport
nucleus.teleport.teleport.exempt.cost ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cost for /teleport
nucleus.teleport.teleport.exempt.warmup ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /teleport
nucleus.teleport.teleport.offline ADMIN Allows the user to teleport to the location of players who are offline.
nucleus.teleport.teleport.others ADMIN Allows the user to target other players using the command "teleport".
nucleus.teleport.teleport.quiet ADMIN Allows the user to use the "-q" flag to override whether to tell the target player if a teleport is being performed.
nucleus.teleport.tpa.base USER Allows the user to run the command /tpa
nucleus.teleport.tpa.exempt.cooldown ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /tpa
nucleus.teleport.tpa.exempt.cost ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cost for /tpa
nucleus.teleport.tpa.exempt.warmup ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /tpa
nucleus.teleport.tpa.force ADMIN Allows the user to "force" teleport to a point, regardless of whether it is safe to do so.
nucleus.teleport.tpaall.base ADMIN Allows the user to run the command /tpaall
nucleus.teleport.tpaccept.base USER Allows the user to run the command /tpaccept
nucleus.teleport.tpahere.base MOD Allows the user to run the command /tpahere
nucleus.teleport.tpahere.exempt.cooldown ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /tpahere
nucleus.teleport.tpahere.exempt.cost ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cost for /tpahere
nucleus.teleport.tpahere.exempt.warmup ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /tpahere
nucleus.teleport.tpahere.force ADMIN Allows the user to "force" teleport to a point, regardless of whether it is safe to do so.
nucleus.teleport.tpall.base ADMIN Allows the user to run the command /tpall
nucleus.teleport.tpdeny.base USER Allows the user to run the command /tpdeny
nucleus.teleport.tphere.base ADMIN Allows the user to run the command /tphere
nucleus.teleport.tphere.offline ADMIN Allows the user to teleport players who are offline to their current location on next login.
nucleus.teleport.tppos.base ADMIN Allows the user to run the command /tppos
nucleus.teleport.tppos.exempt.bordercheck ADMIN If granted, allows the user to the use "-b" flag to attempt to warp outside of the border.
nucleus.teleport.tppos.others ADMIN Allows the user to target other players using the command "tppos".
nucleus.teleport.tptoggle.base USER Allows the user to run the command /tptoggle
nucleus.teleport.tptoggle.exempt ADMIN Allows the user to teleport to anyone, regardless of whether they have turned on /tptoggle protection.
The following configuration is the default for this module:
                            # If true, by default, a target player will not be informed that they have been /teleport ed to. Override using "-q false"
# If true, when a player is in a different dimension than the designated target, then the requesting player will require the
# "nucleus.teleport.exempt.samedimension" permission to allow teleportation.
# If true, any player that has a /tpa request denied (or times out) will have any charge for the command refunded.
# If set to false, Nucleus will consider that the command has a cost, rather than the teleport action and will not refund on any teleport denials.
# If true, Nucleus will show Accept and Deny links when a tpa or tpahere request is made.
# If true, when running /tpa, a player's cooldown starts immediately. Otherwise, the cooldown will start
# if and when the teleport is accepted.
# If true, this will force Nucleus to use the /tpaccept and /tpdeny commands explicitly if someone clicks "Accept" or "Deny" to a tpa/tpahere request. This provides compatibility to some plugins that try to block commands by name rather than by action, but will not work if the commands have been aliased or turned off.
# It is recommended that you set this to false wherever possible.
# If true, if a requester makes a /tpa or /tpahere request to a player, the player who is teleporting will teleport to the position the request was made at, rather than the requester's current position. If false, the player will teleport to the requester's current position, regardless of where the request was made.
# If true, teleporting tries to find a safe place for players.


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