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Translation Guidelines

Guidelines and advice for how to translate content

General notes

Please keep the following in mind:

  • Keep all formatting, that is, &[…] codes.
  • Note that the placeholders right now are numbered. This is a limitation of my engine and I will get around to fixing these in due course, such that the context of the variable will be included.
  • If a message starts with a placeholder and then goes into a colour, but you need to move that placeholder, use &f before the placeholder to make it white. Reset the colour to what it was after (so, {0} &amessage -> &amessage {&f{0}&a …).
  • In general, “true” and “false” should not be translated if it is clear that the message refers to something a user should set, that is, use in a command, or config. It is my hope that this will change over time, by including translations for some command elements.


  • Social Spy: The ability for players to see others’ private messages and mail in realtime
  • Command Spy The ability for players to the commands that others invoke in real time

String Context

The following table contains some of the strings we have been asked about, along with their context. Please use this when translating.

If you do not see a string mentioned here that you need help with, ask in #translation in Discord.

Message key Base string Context
standard.second second The time unit
standard.seconds seconds The time unit
nucleus.usage.header &aUsage for &e/{0} This is the header for command help. {0} will be replaced by a command.
config.module-desc contains ENABLED: to enable the module ENABLED, DISABLED and FORCELOAD should be left in English.
command.nucleus.compat.all All This refers to selecting “all notices”
command.tpaccept.expired &cThe associated teleport request has expired. “Associated” means the one the player has selected. “The associated” could be replaced with “this”
command.rtp.inprogress &cThe player {0} is already searching for a random location. This can occur when /rtp is run more than once on the same player. Nucleus is already looking for a safe location for them. Generally occurs when used by an admin on someone.
command.userprefs.set.self &aSet preference “{0}” to “{1}” This is a confirmation message, a preference has been set.
userpref.vanishonlogin Controls whether the target is set to vanished when logging in, regardless of previous status. This is a description for a preference. The target is the player who the preference is being set for
userpref.teleporttarget Controls whether the target can be teleported to by non-administrators. As above
userpref.powertooltoggle Controls whether trying to use an item will execute a command bound to the item type. As above
userpref.socialspy Controls whether the target will see social spy messages. As above
userpref.messagetoggle Controls whether the target will receive private messages. As above
userpref.commandspy Controls whether the target will see command spy messages. As above
userpref.viewstaffchat Controls whether the target will see staff chat messages. As above
userpref.player_locale Determines the language that Nucleus is translated in for the specific user. As above
itemname.set.desc Sets the user facing name for the item currently in the player’s hand. The user facing name is the name given to that specific item (not the name of the item type). Used with the /itemname command.
nucleus.reload.extended This command will reload everything EXCEPT whether modules and/or commands are enabled.
A restart of the entire server is required for these two actions to take effect.
This is for /nucleus reload. A reload will reload all configuration and will act upon it immediately. The two exceptions are that you cannot turn modules or commands on or off without restarting the server. More info on modules

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