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Creating and Managing Kits

Learn how to create, redeem and manage kits

Creating Kits and Adding Items

This requires you have the permission nucleus.kit.create.base to create the kit and nucleus.kit.edit.base to add items to the newly created kit

To create a kit, use the command /kit create [name] as a player, replacing [name] with the name you wish to give your kit. This will open up an inventory window where you can drag and drop items into the kit.

If you wish your kit to be a clone of your inventory, run /kit create -c [name], again, replacing [name] with the name you wish to give your kit. This will create a kit that is a copy of your inventory.

Players wishing to redeem the kit must have the permission nucleus.kits.[name], as well as the nucleus.kit.base permissions

Adding personalised items to kits

You can put tokens like {{name}} and {{displayname}} on your item’s display names and lore and put them into a kit. When redeemed, the tokens can be replaced - personalising the items (for example, a wooden stick with the item display name {{name}}'s stick can be put into a kit, which will become dualspiral's stick if dualspiral redeemed it).

You must, however, set kit.process-tokens-in-lore to true in main.conf, as this might cause a slight performance hit.

Editing Kit Items

This requires you have the permission nucleus.kit.edit.base

To change the contents of a kit, you can either:

  • Run /kit edit [name] and edit your kit using an inventory GUI.
  • Update your inventory to reflect what you want the contents of the kit to be, then run /kit set [name].

Deleting a Kit

This requires you have the permission nucleus.kit.remove.base

To delete a kit, run /kit remove [name]


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